Successful first year of Junior Super Tournament in Říčany
From 28th to 31st December 2024, the 1st Junior Super Tournament took place in Říčany, which brought quality chess spectacle and great atmosphere. The tournament with a tempo of 25 minutes + 10 seconds per move was organized by Chess House Praha z.s. under the leadership of Dominik Rous and FM Jakub Vojta. The tournament was attended by 8 titled players, which testifies to its high level.
Group photo (missing Petr Mach)
From left: Svačina T., Bokhnak T., Babula V. ml., Mametev A., Šmolík J., Bezděk T., Janouš M., Rous D.,
(seated), Davídek Z., Vojta J., Němec J., Ocelák J.
Tournament format and course
The tournament was played first in the form of a basic group, where players competed in a one-on-one system. After playing the basic part, a playoff followed to determine the final standings.
Results of the regular part:
Final standings:
- Jáchym Němec FM
- Jáchym Šmolík FM
- Jakub Vojta FM
- Vlastimil Babula FM
- Tobiáš Svačina
- Marek Janouš
- Jakub Ocelák CM
- Timofey Bokhnak CM
- Zdeněk Davídek
- Tomáš Bezděk CM
- Artem Mametev
- Petr Mach CM
First three (From left: Dominik Rous, FM Jakub Vojta, FM Jáchym Němec, FM Jáchym Šmolík)
Awards and atmosphere
The Travelling prize for the best game was awarded in the playoff and was won by Zdeněk Davídek for his game against Tomáš Bezděk (Nominated by IM Lukáš Vlasák). Congratulations! Apart from the sporting performances, the main goal of the tournament was to create a pleasant environment and allow players to make new friendships and contacts. According to the organizers, this goal was successful and there was a great atmosphere among the participants. The organizers were delighted with the high level of chess the tournament offered.
Prizes for the best
The winner of the tournament, Jáchym Němec, received a travelling prize and a year's subscription to the magazine
Czechoslovak Chess. In addition, the first three players in the final standings (Jáchym Němec, Jáchym Šmolík and Jakub Vojta) received a voucher for entry to the prestigious
Prague International Chess Festival (PICF).Plány do budoucna
Due to the success of the first edition, we are planning to organize the Junior Super Tournament in the summer as an official event in Jihlava. You can also look forward to the next edition at the end of the year, again on the same date. Keep an eye on our website for more information!
Acknowledgements and sponsors
Finally, a big thank you to the sponsors who supported the tournament:
- Chess Federation of the Czech Republic
- Novoborský ŠK
- Robert a Petr šachy
- Czechoslovak Chess
Special thanks also go to participant Marek Janouš for his anonymous sponsorship donations.
Big thanks also go to Monča Strnadová and Pepi Dudková for helping us immensely with the tournament.
The organizers wish all chess fans all the best in the New Year and much joy of the royal game.
On behalf of Chess House Praha z.s.
Dominik Rous